Kristina Wilson, Marketing Representative de SitePal, ha dejado esta reseña:
As a representative from SitePal Marketing, I sincerely apologize if our speaking ads on Technorati caused your online experience to be unpleasant. Originally our ads were designed to speak only when a user rolls over to initiate the audio.Entender el error como fuente de crecimiento es fundamental para seguir mejorando e innovando.
However, due to feedback from bloggers like yourself, we changed all banners running on Technorati to audio-on-click, which doesn’t speak until the user clicks on it. We also tightened the ad frequency cap, limiting the number of times a unique user is exposed to our banners a day. Our goal is enhance the user’s online experience and we are truly sorry when we fall short of that goal. Thank you very much for your feedback. We appreciate your frankness.
Gracias a SitePal por tener esa disposición a escuchar la voz del
Technorati, SitePal, publicidad intrusiva
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