Dicen que el coeficiente intelectual tiende a verse como una variable fija de la persona, cuando está en continua evolución.
Hacer ejercicios sencillos como Sudokus o memorizar números de teléfono puede incrementar tu inteligencia hasta un 40% en una semana, de acuerdo al programa 'Get Smarter in a Week' emitido por la BBC esta semana. Mucho arroz para un pollo, me parece a mí...
The programme found that a combination of techniques based on healthy eating, physical activity, sound sleep and stimulating your mind through solving puzzles and remembering lists makes people sharper, more confident and better at making decisions.Ya tenéis un plan para toda la semana.
- Saturday: Brush your teeth with your 'wrong' hand and take a shower with your eyes closed.
- Sunday: Do the crossword or Sudoku puzzle in your Sunday paper and take a brisk walk.
- Monday: Have oily fish for dinner, and either cycle, walk or take the bus into work.
- Tuesday: Select unfamiliar words from the dictionary and work them into conversations.
- Wednesday: Go to yoga, Pilates or a meditation class, and talk to someone you don't know.
- Thursday: Take a different route to work; watch Countdown or Brainteaser.
- Friday: Avoid caffeine or alcohol; memorise your shopping list.
brain exercises, get smarter, weekly plan
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